Tuesday, July 14, 2009


- Much to Mark's chagrin (and with no blessing of his!!!) I'm slowly converting my "bedrest" into "house arrest". Truly, nurses are the worst patients. Thankfully, I haven't been having contractions, or I wouldn't be so liberal - though I admit that the stakes being what they are, undoubtedly I should be more careful than I am. I'm trying...sort of...sometimes.

- Kate was in town for a few days before heading off on what we all pray is her final military deployment. God deploys us all in different ways, so I'm not discounting His plans for her... who knows. :)

- My parents are here which is a great blessing to us. They hauled their trailer out to MN and are living in our driveway. I have no doubt that we've been the talk of the neighborhood since March when work on our house began, and though the giant dumpster and 80 million workmen are gone, we've found new ways to keep folks talking...not to mention the 4 vehicles parked along the street in front of our house (Kate's Jeep, parent's truck, our car and the van of a friend of ours.)

- Tomorrow is week 34 of this pregnancy. I have high hopes that a week and half from now, which is when Iain made his appearance, I will still be pregnant. Perhaps if I'm obedient about bedrest that's more likely to be the case. C'mon Betsy, you can do it!

- Speaking of baby, I finally came to terms with the reality that this baby is going to arrive soon, even if "soon" is 6 weeks away - that does sound soon, doesn't it?! I started packing my hospital bag and ordered an infant car seat (the one we had for Iain has since expired). Hopefully both with be ready to go by the time baby is.

- You know what I want more than anything right now? To go for a nice long walk after which I would sit outside and sip a delicious alcoholic beverage. But why go on, I'm only torturing myself. ;)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Oh Betsy! I miss you:) I'd love to hang out with you and see your house and Iain and all. Thanks for posting everything you do...it makes me feel a little more connected. I should do the same, huh?!