I've been put on bedrest as a result of being in early preterm labor. Given my history with Iain (born at 35 week, 3 days) my doctor didn't want to mess around. Please keep us in your prayers. I'm 30 weeks along, 90% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. I'm also taking some medication to help halt any further progress.
What to pray for:
- Health and safety of Baby #2
- Iain; he didn't take too well to me being on the couch all day today - I compromised by laying on the floor while he played around me. This seemed to make him pretty happy.
- Helpers, especially for packing and moving which we will be doing this coming week with the big move on the 27th. Obviously I'm pretty much useless as a packer or a mover now, and that's kinda frustrating.
- Mark, because he has to be mom, dad, husband, house-do-it-all guy, not to mention his "real" job! He's absolutely amazing!
Bed rest is no fun, even worse when your other babe is wondering why mommy won't pick me up. We'll be praying for you both.
That sounds really tough. We will keep you all in our prayers.
I'm definitely praying for you... and prayed today (the move?) would go smoothly. Wishing I was there to help!! HAng in there Fester. It's all going to be worth it in the long run!! and somehow when you give God permission to make you holy... sometimes He uses things we would never choose!! Lots of prayers coming your way. Keep us posted on little Maureen's arrival (and hopefully lack thereof) She's not supposed to arrive till my 30th birthday... and that is MONTHS away :D
Definitely praying for you! Hang in there...I've never been on bedrest, but I was sick on the couch for a week a while ago, and Janie (then around 17-18 months) loved it! I was always there, never leaving her to go to another room...she kept coming over to visit me and climb on top of me, and then she would wander off for a little while. I hope you have some good days like that with Ian:) It may help to look up some books on bedrest (if you feel like reading)...I know I've heard of one but can't remember the name now.
Oh my! We will certainly be praying! Keep us updated, even if to say that nothing has changed. God bless you and Mark as you each deal with life for the next while, and may your move go well! Lots of love!
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