Sunday, August 10, 2008

Return of Moving Day, Part II, The Sequel...

That pretty much sums it up. We're in the process of moving yet again. To be honest, this is the most peaceful moving day, to date. We had a whole handful of dedicated guys helping us this morning and we (er, they) successfully transported all the heavy stuff over to Ireland Hall. Praise the Lord! All that's left to do is the bed/bath rooms. That will happen later when Mark returns.

So, Iain is sleeping, I'm taking advantage of my last chance to do laundry right around the corner rather than 3 flights down, and Mark is off at a softball tournament.

For those Iain fans out there, here's the latest: Iain's rolling over both ways now, he likes to sing/gargle with a whole ocean of saliva pooled in the back of his mouth (that's his favorite sound, currently), he gives wonderful wide-open-mouth drooley kisses, he gets nearly constant praise for his huge beaming smiles which he throws in all the appropriate (female) directions, he has now held hands with 2 little girls and 1 boy, he's still a huge fan of "mirror baby", and last but not least, he hasn't pooped in a week!

As for that last note, the Dr. recommended prunes (pureed, I hope it goes without saying), but I haven't been to the store recently, so I keep hoping that things will just move's to hoping. Iain doesn't seemed bothered by this standstill and it's not unheard of for babies to go up to 10 days, so I'm trying not to let his poop color my every waking thought (which is why, of course, I would never blog about such things, thereby announcing it to the whole world!)

For those of you in MI, Iain and I will be coming your way this Thursday, the 14th, for a Saturday wedding, and leaving on Monday evening. If you're around and available, let me know! :)

1 comment:

Jesse Ray said...

Give a shout when you are in town. Our kids LOVE babies and Iain sounds like he might like getting held by a red-headed girl named Maria.