Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy 1 month and ZERO DAY, Iain!!!

Today is a long-awaited day in the Archibald home: Iain is officially zero, and also 1 month old! Today, Feb. 28th was his official due date, exactly 1 month after his birthday.

He had a check-up with the doctor this morning. He is now 8 lb, 13 oz!!! Way to go, Iain!

The doctor told me that Iain will now behave like a normal newborn; words that were music to my ears! ...On the other hand, the whole idea of him being awake-but-not-hungry is a little scary for me; I'm not sure what to make of that. How do I know he's not hungry? I've gotten too used to plugging away at feeding him until I know he's full because he drops off to sleep (normal preemie behavior).

The following pictures are a few days old, and fortunately, we're not supplementing all that much these days, hurray! (I hope I haven't spoken too soon). On the other hand, it's nice to get a break every now and then.

Mark and Iain getting down to business:
Mark, don't smile! ;) ...
Heehee, aren't they cute? My two favorite boys!


Meghan said...

Happy 1 Month Birthday Iain!! Can you beleive how fast it has gone by??

Reenie said...

Happy Zero Day Iain! and happy one month to Mom and Dad! Maak looks like fatherhood fits pretty well ;) and Iain is a cutie!! Can't wait to meet him in person.
~Aunt Reenie~