Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yes, we're still alive!

Mark and I enjoyed a wonderful Christmas season in MI. We returned to snow-covered MN this past Monday and have been settling back into life here. One of the items on my "fun" To Do List was to set up our baby's crib. I was planning on doing this myself, but as Mark and I had the evening free, I enlisted his assistance...and then essentially handed the project over to him entirely. Sorry, Mark! :) So, for your viewing pleasure, here is the progression: 1) Happy Mark, excitedly assembling his son's crib

2) Mark, getting a bit fed up with the instructions that succeeded in only confusing the entire operation. I think we would've had better luck if they were absent or written in Chinese!

3) Finally, success! Here is the crib in place at the foot of our bed, complete with my favorite crib mobile of all time...and of course cozy essentials for baby: alarm clock, cell phone charger, and many (suffocating hazards, which will be removed before actual use) stuffed animals. Oh, and the cutest snowsuit, ever!

4) And let's not forget Mom and baby! Here we are, at exactly 33 weeks. 7 more to go, give or take a couple... Somewhat comfortingly, I've been measuring consistently 1 week "behind" (so, 32 weeks at my appt. today), so either baby will be late, :( or I may have a chance at a "little, little" :) as a friend of mine likes to call newborns.


Alexis said...

Hey - where did you get such a cute little crib? I need a little crib for Rosie - she's uncomfortable in a playpen and the crib's too big for our room. Enjoy nesting!

Betsy said...

Alexis, We got it at Babies R Us. It's a mere $99, and if you've got a 15% off coupon, it's even less. (That's what we did). :)