Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
New Arrival!

Friday, January 25, 2008
Good laugh!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Additionally, the water has been turned back on, so we have both running water and heat! Praise the Lord! :)
...just in...
"I have some very bad news"
"What?" I asked, not sure how serious he was.
"The office [aka Archibald storage closet] is flooding as we speak...a pipe burst."
Horror sets in, as I think of all our brand-new baby stuff, luggage, misc. boxes of odds, ends and memories all stored "safely" in Mark's basement office.
"I'll come see" I say, as I look for my shoes
"Just keep in mind," says Mark, "we have renter's insurance."
"Praise the Lord," I think, as I head toward the sound of Niagara Falls.
Outcome: As I looked at my box full of "memories" dating back to Kindergarten, now sitting in a puddle, all I can say is "well, we live in a world that is passing away."
Thank you, Lord for that reminder...none of this is "my" stuff, it's just on loan for me to use for awhile. However, on a practical level, as far as I can tell, NONE of our baby items have been damaged...a wet diaper bag? Well, those are made to get wet, right? I couldn't see, from the safe distance of the next room, how anything else faired, but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

Notice all 4 garbage cans full of water...these have been emptied multiple times, as they are filled with water from the smaller trash can (above photo).
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Yes, we're still alive!

2) Mark, getting a bit fed up with the instructions that succeeded in only confusing the entire operation. I think we would've had better luck if they were absent or written in Chinese!
3) Finally, success! Here is the crib in place at the foot of our bed, complete with my favorite crib mobile of all time...and of course cozy essentials for baby: alarm clock, cell phone charger, and many (suffocating hazards, which will be removed before actual use) stuffed animals. Oh, and the cutest snowsuit, ever!
4) And let's not forget Mom and baby! Here we are, at exactly 33 weeks. 7 more to go, give or take a couple... Somewhat comfortingly, I've been measuring consistently 1 week "behind" (so, 32 weeks at my appt. today), so either baby will be late, :( or I may have a chance at a "little, little" :) as a friend of mine likes to call newborns.