...We're having a.....
The shadowy image above his nose is his right hand.
I should also mention that it doesn't look I need to worry about him being a Leap Day baby, after all. He measured a week larger than expected, so my due date has been moved up to 2/20/08. I'm thrilled, as it's one week less that I have to wait to meet him!
Last night, Mark and I celebrated by beginning our baby registry. I discovered that it's dangerous to bring along your very excited, sports-fan husband! Our son isn't going to lack sports-related baby items if Mark has anything to do with it. I tried to remind him that chances are we'll have girls as well, and I'd rather not wrap them all in football-patterned receiving blankets! :)
It was so amazing to see our first child, our son, yesterday morning. He looks healthy, as far as we can tell, though the tech wouldn't have been allowed to tell us otherwise. She seemed very friendly and excited for us, and asked if we might bring him in for a visit after he is born. That leads me to believe there's no cause for concern. :) Praise the Lord for our healthy baby! Please continue to keep us all in your prayers.
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to meet my nephew :)
It was great seeing you last weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Love, Kate.
Congratulations!!! I'm all over that blue baby quilt!
So, while you are registering, here's my best mom advice for NECESSARY baby items (in no particular order; email if you want more details):
-Ultimate crib sheet (get 2)
-Oxiclean ("detergent of the gods")
-Durabibs (get 2)
-Not necessary, but the Bumbo baby seat is awesome
-Some sort of sling
-Robeez baby shoes
-Miracle Blanket (or other serious swaddling blanket)
-Playtex and/or Gerber sippy cups
-Newborn long-sleeve kimono shirts that cover the hands (and sharp litle fingernails!)
-Toys that attach to the infant car seat handle
-Pack'n'play and sheets for it
Oooh... I'm so excited for you!!!
Yea, a boy! I was right, of course ;). I was on retreat all weekend and was wondering the whole time what was going to happen. Congrats!
Fantastic!! Though I confess I can't make head, tail or anything else of the ultrasound images! (Perhaps once I've done my obstetrics attachment...) I'm so excited!!!
yay! Looking forward to seeing the baby boy in person sometime soon-ish :) and i'll be sure to tell him when he turns 16 that we all saw pics of his you know what online before he was even born ;)
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