Monday, September 3, 2007

Definitely worth the read!


A Statement of Christian Doctrine against the Neo-Malthusians


This is an essay I came across last night. Mark teased me for reading all afternoon, but it is such a fascinating essay that I just couldn't stop. It also relates to my line of work, which may explain my particular interest. Interestingly, it was written in 1922, but far from being outdated, it is excellent food for thought as well as a glimpse at the adolescence of our present-day state of moral decay.

1 comment:

Adam A said...

Hey Betsy, not particularly antineomalthusian-related, but you should have a read of "Expecting Adam" by Martha Beck. Mum read it recently at a friend's recommendation, loved it, passed it on to me and I'm really enjoying it too. Am pretty sure it's up your street. Check it out on Amazon and see what you think. Her writing style reminds me a bit of yours!