I hope to post some pictures in the not-too-distant future. For the time being, I hope it's enough to just let you know that our daughter has arrived!
Lydia Catherine was born at 10:16 am on Thursday, August 13th (my parents' 32nd wedding anniversary, coincidentally). She was 7 lb 15 oz, 21 inches long. She was born at 38 weeks and 2 days gestation, after my water broke at 8 pm, on the 12th. She's doing GREAT!
We are all home as of Friday afternoon, and despite a sleepless night last night, we're all happy, healthy and excited to be together as a family. Thank you so much for all your prayers throughout this pregnancy, labor and delivery. Please continue to pray for us as I recover, Lydia adjusts to life on the outside, Iain adjusts to so many adjustments and Mark tries to take care of all of us and work on the side. ;)